BIO – SECURITY – Questions and Policies


Pre-Participation Questions and Policies relating to COVID-19 at any Endeavour Volleyball Club Activities

All participants are required to answer in writing and read the Pre-Participation Questions and Policies that need to be downloaded or received by email and returned to the club email at prior to any person being permitted to participate in any Endeavour Volleyball Activity [“activities”];

Please take the time to read the material.

You need to send us a reply email with your answers to the questions below under the heading: “…PRE PARTICIPATION QUESTIONS…”

This allows us to have information about you and to help protect, you, your family, the other players and their families as well as the Club, the Club staff and the wider community.

No one will be permitted to participate in Endeavour Volleyball Club activities without returning answers to these questions.

Personal hygiene is of paramount importance and is required to be practiced by all persons present at activities;

All persons present at activities must be diligent with hygiene and cleaning and the Venue providers must be diligent in cleaning of common areas that the Club is engaged in for any activities;

Shared facilities such as clubhouses, changerooms and toilets must be kept clean and adequate soap, hand sanitiser and disinfectants must be available for all club activities.

Participants, staff, spectators and volunteers must remain vigilant with their personal hygiene which will remain a condition of entry at any activities;

Attached is also the document produced by the Government headed “:..COVID-19 Safety Plan Community Sporting Competitions..” which the Club is implementing as part of restarting operations.


The following questions must be answered by all participants in writing prior to any participation in Endeavour Volleyball Club Activities:

  1. Have you considered downloading the COVID-19 tracing Application and activating it on your personal mobile telephone or the mobile telephone you will have on your person during the activities. It is recommended but optional, that each person make use of the tracing app/application at any Endeavour Volleyball Club activity. For Information about the COVIDSafe App go to this Link HERE;
  2. Do you consent to remain and attempt to remain at least 1.5 meters separate/distant from all other person/s during activities?
  3. Do you consent to the number of people in a facility does not exceed one person per 4 square meters (including staff and spectators)?
  4. Do you consent to comply with the relevant Federal, State, Local, Association and Club Social distancing requirements or as amended from time to time?
  5. Have you had a Covid – 19 Test in either 2021 or 2022? If so:
    1. When?
    2. What was the result?
  6. Have you pre-booked your participation in the Endeavour Volleyball Club Session?
  7. Have you travelled to another country in the last 14 days. If so, which one?
  8. Have you entered Australia from another country in the last 14 days. If so which one?
  9. Have you been in the presence of a person who travelled to another country in the last 14 days? 
  10. Have you travelled outside of Sydney recently? If so, where?
  11. Have you been in the presence of a person who travelled outside of Sydney recently? If so, Where?
  12. Have you been on a cruise ship in the last 14 days?
  13. Have you been in the presence of a person who was on a cruise ship in the last 14 days?
  14. Are you presently or have you been experiencing an of the following symptoms:
    1.  Fever
    2. Sore Throat
    3. Abdominal Pain
    4. Headache
    5. Fatigue
    6. Cough
    7. Diarrhea
    8. Shortness of Breath
    9. Nausea
    10. Have you have any flu like symptoms?
      • If Yes, Please Specify
  15. Do you consent to a Temperature Check if required or organised by Endeavour Volleyball Club or any of its staff when requested and or prior to any participation in any Endeavour Volleyball Club             Activity?
  16. Do you have any Chronic Respiratory Diseases?
    1. If Yes, Please Specify;
    2. How long have you had this?
  17. Have you come into contact with any confirmed or suspected COVID-19?
  18. Have you been diagnosed with Covid 19 either in 2020 or 2021?
  19. Have you or a family member been advised to quarantine?
    1. If Yes, Please Specify.

The following Policies are being implemented following announcements and resources now being provided by Federal, State and Local Governments as well numerous Sporting Associations to provide the best information available on practices and procedures that will be implemented as we move into full operations.

Where Endeavour Volleyball Club is not the Venue provider or is hiring a Venue or using the Public Beach and its facilities for activities we will seek to consult with such Venue providers or review their approach to the following policies.


  • Exclude staff, volunteers and visitors who are unwell.
  • Provide staff and volunteers with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get testedphysical distancing and cleaning, and how to manage a sick visitor.
  • Make staff aware of their leave entitlements if they are sick or required to self-isolate.
  • Display conditions of entry (website, social media, venue entry). Consider displaying the maximum number of people allowed in each room shown at a clear place of entry.
  • If hiring the facility, consult with the owners/operators to address the requirements below to understand what measures may already be in place.


  • Ensure the number of people in a facility does not exceed one person per 4 square metres (including staff).
  • Ensure activities are non-contact as much as practical. Accidental contact may occur but no deliberate body contact drills.
  • Ensure any spectators comply with 1.5 metres physical distance where practical, such as through staggered seating. Household contacts are not required to distance.
  • Move or block access to equipment to support 1.5 metres of physical distance between people.
  • Assess the safe capacity of communal facilities such as showers, change rooms and lockers. Communicate this at their entrance and have strategies in place to reduce crowding and promote physical distancing.
  • Where practical, stagger the use of communal facilities. Strongly encourage visitors to shower/change at home where possible.
  • Reduce crowding wherever possible and promote physical distancing with markers on the floor, including where people are asked to queue.
  • Have strategies in place to manage gatherings that may occur immediately outside the premises.
  • Minimise co-mingling of participants from different activities and timeslots where possible.
  • Have strategies in place to manage gatherings that may occur immediately outside the premises, such as with drop off and pick up zones or staggered class start and finish times.
  • Implement measures to prevent crowding, such as limiting the number of swimmers to 3 per lane and ensuring physical distancing for adult swim classes (which can have up to 10 participants).
  • Take reasonable steps to ensure parents supervising or supporting children are physically distancing.
  • Use telephone or video platforms for essential staff meetings where practical.
  • Review regular business deliveries and request contactless delivery and invoicing where practical.
  • Ensure any communal areas where people gather, such as BBQ or kitchen facilities, maintain capacity limits of one person per 4 square metres and appropriate physical distancing.


  • Adopt good hand hygiene practices.
  • Ensure hand sanitiser is accessible at the venue entry and throughout the facility or ground.
  • Encourage participants to bring their own water bottle, snacks/orange slices and sweat towels. Avoid shared food and drinks.
  • Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels.
  • Provide visual aids above hand wash basins to support effective hand washing.
  • Encourage participants to bring their own water bottle, snacks, towels, exercise mats etc. and encourage eating outside if practical. Avoid shared food and drinks.
  • No self-serve buffet style, or service staff carrying trays. If food is provided or share-style, one person should be allocated to serve food and practice hand hygiene before and after service.
  • Clean cutlery and tableware with detergent and hot water, or with a commercial grade dishwasher if available.
  • Clean frequently used indoor hard surface areas, including children’s play areas, at least daily; first with detergent and water, and then disinfect. Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces, including in communal facilities, several times per day.
  • Clean areas used for high intensity cardio classes with detergent and disinfectant after each use.
  • Reduce sharing of equipment (including hire equipment) where practical and ensure these are cleaned with detergent and disinfectant between use.
  • Ensure there is accessible detergent/disinfectant and gloves for visitors to use, should they wish.
  • Disinfectant solutions need to be maintained at an appropriate strength and used in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions.
  • Staff are to wear gloves when cleaning and wash hands thoroughly before and after with soap and water.
  • Encourage contactless payment options.


  • Keep a record of name and a mobile number or email address for all staff, volunteers, participants, visitors and contractors for a period of at least 28 days. Ensure records are used only for the purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections and are stored confidentially and securely.
  • Make your staff aware of the COVIDSafe app and its benefits to support contact tracing if required.
  • Cooperate with NSW Health if contacted in relation to a positive case of COVID-19 at your workplace, and notify SafeWork NSW on 13 10 50


Reopening from 1 July 2021:

POLICY ON Registering as a COVID Safe business

We will complete and downloaded our COVID-19 Safety Plan, and register the club business as COVID Safe at

POLICY ON Speak Up Save Lives

Workplace safety is everyone’s responsibility. 

If you see something unsafe in the workplace, SafeWork NSW wants you to speak up and tell the staff or supervisors. This app lets you report an unsafe work situation and it gives you the choice to remain anonymous. You can tag your location, include photos, and choose to be kept updated on the issue you’ve reported.


This is a non-exhaustive list of requirements and will be added to or otherwise amended from time to time as further information is required.