‘Training Session’ Mandatory Safety Requirements

The following ‘Training Session’ mandatory safety requirements will apply:

  • Congregating and gathering in the foyer or entrance of the Venue is prohibited. You must move immediately on entry into the Venue building to the allocated Court.
  • On arrival Courtside all players must place their training bags or personal equipment a minimum distance of 1.5 meters apart and sit or stand 1.5 meters apart. This spacing is mandatory for the entire session.
  • A hand cleaning station where all persons entering the training area will clean their hands.
  • A requirement that the temperature of all persons entering be tested via a forehead thermometer – persons outside of the temperature range will not be able to enter;
  • Implement arrangements to minimize the shared use of equipment such as:
    • Avoid sharing articles of clothing such as volunteer high visibility vests (volunteers should take home vests to wash);
    • Avoid sharing of stationary (pens, clipboards etc.) and personal IT equipment (laptops, iPads, headphones, etc.)
    • Officials should not share whistles, flags and other equipment.
  • Where possible, shared equipment (particularly balls) should be rotated, washed or wiped with antibacterial wipes or alcohol-based sanitizer prior to and after each use and at each activity break.
  • Participants should not share personal equipment including playing equipment, drink bottles, towels and mouth-guards and should not leave personal equipment on surfaces. Personal equipment bags should be arranged to permit physical distancing requirements at your organisations activities including:
    • On-field protocols to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters where practical, such as avoiding team huddles, hand-shakes, and high-fives, no sharing of headsets or computer screens/iPads and when sitting on the sidelines;
    • Specific restrictions on contact training drills during Level B of the AIS Framework for contact sports;
    • Where access is permitted (Level C of the AIS Framework), restrictions on the use of facilities such as clubrooms, bars/canteens, toilets or changerooms based on ensuring minimum distancing and density requirements can be maintained within the dimensions of those spaces.
  • When so permitted, by Government regulation, partner training can occur. Under this Policy a training Partner must remain as the same person for the duration of the session (ie: no changing training partners).
  • While training is limited to small groups (Level B of the AIS Framework), your sport should:
    • Encourage participants to follow the approach to training of ‘get in, train, get out” to minimize unnecessary contact with change rooms, bathrooms and communal arears. This approach involves participants showering with soap and getting dressed to train at home and showering at home on completion.
    • Ensure training aligns with the minimum standards set out in the AIS Framework and Local State/Territory restricted activity laws.
  • Apply a graded return to training/completion for participants to mitigate injury risk from sudden increases in training loads.
  • Spectators to your sport sessions are not allowed.
  • Where possible, sessions will have a clearly sign posted separate entry and exit areas.
  • When conducting ‘back to back’ sessions, once training sessions are finished there will be no entry from those attending the next session until all those in the previous session have left.
  • Coaches and Officials will ensure that the following items form part of the ‘safe supplies’:
    • Hand sanitisers, disinfectant mops, microfibre cloths, gloves – rated safe, paper towels.
  • Coaches and Officials will ensure that cleaning and sanitizing will occur before and after each and, where required during the session – particular attention to be paid to bathrooms and entry doors.
  • Parents dropping their children to sessions will not be permitted to stay, If they need to stay they must wait away from the training area.